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tv   Hannity  FOX News  September 3, 2009 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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my radio show. i am laura ingraham in for bill o'reilly. we hope to see you again next time. the spin stops here because we are always looking out for you. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute sean: tonight -- >> we have got to fight. sean: a desperate white house is forced to change their strategy. the president's outrageous plan to recruit your kids. ["the wall" playing] conservatives under what -- undercover at an obama rally. who is behind this? left-wing advertisements.
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president obama's green jobs czar unplugged. all of that plus karl rove, michelle malkin, ann coulter, and more. the president has been absent from the health-care debate, but in a few days, he will return. the white house announced that the president will spell out his version of a government-run health care takeover before a joint session of congress wednesday. we are now few months into the debate and now the president decides to lay out his views for you, the american people? this is a man grasping at straws. that is our headline on this wednesday night. an act of desperation. reports circulating about his upcoming speech indicates that a public option will not be one of the requirements that he will lay out for a nationalized health care plan. conservatives, can they take this as an indication of defeat?
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will they still be fighting an uphill battle? joining me now to discuss the state of affairs, karl rove. the architect is back. good to see you. first of all, why the speech before the joint session? it sounds to me like they are trying to repackage this. they will not say this is nationalized health care. this is insurance reform. he will use the words "choice and competition" a lot. >> it is a question of numbers. i have them summarized right here very carefully. the board is back. 242 days is the number of days barack obama has been in office. he has given at least 111 news conferences, speeches, and remarks. yet, he will give a speech 40 days after the deadline he set for the house and senate to pass a bill that could be put into play at this point. the reason they have not passed
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a bill is 67% of the american people say they are confused by everything he has been saying. 53% is what his job approval is. 50% is what it was on the 26th of august. president obama has reached the 50% mark faster than any but two presidents since harry s. truman. gerald ford got there it three months. bill clinton and richard nixon got their -- bill clinton got there at three months. the handling of health care is 40% approved. two polls show support for the plan being discussed by congress. 46% in one poll. 40% approve it in another poll. a 37% is the job approval of the u.s. congress, the lowest in 24 years.
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that is who we outsourced the writing of the bill to. 45% democrat in next year's election, indicating a big change in the nature of the congress. the republicans are leading in new jersey by 10 and virginia by 9. it is a question of numbers. sean: the only number i disagree with -- i dare not corrected, but i sought the generic ballot poll at 37%. i thought it was more favorable for republicans. >> i am just trying to be fair. sean: fair and balanced. you are calling this obama's cruelest month in an article you have in "the wall street journal." the article in the political was "obama shifts strategy." they are willing to take this public option out. nancy pelosi and maxine waters
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have said the public option is a must, or else democrats do not support it. what is the opposition from the left going to be here? >> he has ever a problem. house bill 3200 is coming out of the ways and means committee and coming to the floor. it does not have a public option in it, the progressive coalition, the extreme left wing, which has 70 members, has said they will not vote for the bill. if they do not have those votes, if they do not have conservative and moderate democrat votes, they may not be able to pass the bill. sean: here is a question. when we see that they have shifted the language in this debate, something you have written about is health care insurance reform. they are demonizing the health insurance industry. are they using a marketing campaign, and propaganda campaign? have they accepted the fact that they need to go through incrementalism? what is the strategy they're using? >> i think the strategy is day
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tested words and they will apply those words to whatever plan they have, whether that plan represents it or not. we have 1300 health insurance companies competing with each other in america. they want to have one government-run health care plan to compete with all of those private companies. you know what will happen. taxpayers will subsidize the government plan and undercut the private plans and the private plans will collapse. we will not have competition. if we really want competition, allow people to buy health insurance across state lines so you have 13 other companies competing all around the country rather than some companies dominating some markets or state. this is marketing. it has nothing to do with the substance of the bill. how can they best market what is a flawed product? the american people are seeing through it. that is why we have these numbers. to be upside down on such a dramatic change in american life
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is really problematic for the administration. sean: i think they are deluding themselves. tell me where you may think i am wrong. they are deluding themselves that they can think this will work with repackaging. there is a lot on the line for the president. there is an effort now set in motion starting next week to save this presidency in many ways. i do not think he has abandoned his radical agenda. i also think he is not a blank slate. he has been president for a long time and he has never shown any instinct to really reach out and try to build consensus. i do not see any effort to bring republicans into this process. do you? >> i do not. in my piece tomorrow, i talk about this. he has made some tactical errors. the first one was outsourcing this to the congress and allowing anti pelosi to force through a bill in the house. it erased any pretense of
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bipartisanship. having a bill that is so left wing -- he ran television ads in which he said, "government-run health care, extreme." he is running the proposal up the flagpole and asking everybody to salute it. these are causing stresses. the other interesting thing is he has made arguments about this that have generated counter arguments of concerns that are motivating a lot of people who have been sitting on the sidelines or were political independents. sean: 42% of people -- voters opinions of congress now are at a 24-year low. 42% of people randomly selected from the phone book think would be those -- would be better than those people in congress. republicans for the first time in many years are ahead of the democrats. a lot of experts are predicting this will have an impact on 2010. you mentioned 2009 elections
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that are coming up for new jersey and virginia. when you put that together, is the country changing? is their view of the president changing? do they see him perhaps as more radical than he campaigned? >> i think that is a big part of it. between the stimulus, the health care bill, the spending bill, between this budget predicting doubling the budget and the deficit in five years, all of these have made him appear as what he really is, which is a very strong, far left liberal. it is not how he campaigned. sean: thank you for being with us. we have michelle malkin coming up and a special investigation into the radicals appointed to the cabinet. the president plans to make an impressive address to students across the country. it is sparking controversy among parents who think he will take that opportunity to indoctrinate kids. liberals, be ware.
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we have a hilarious video from a conservative who went undercover.
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sean: last night, a senator went face to face with angry constituents at a town hall in ohio. one woman slammed the senator for suggesting the health care plan will not increase the
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federal deficit. >> how gullible and stupid do you think we are? please do not answer that and insult my intelligence. assistance getting around their homes. there is a medicare benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little or no cost to you. imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your mobility and your life. one medicare benefit that, with private insurance,
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may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen ... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. hi i'm doug harrison. we're experts at getting you the power chair or scooter you need. in fact, if we qualify you for medicare reimbursement and medicare denies your claim, we'll give you your new power chair or scooter free. i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. with help from the scooter store, medicare and my insurance covered it all. call the scooter store for free information today. sean: parents across the country are voicing concern over president obama's plans to address schoolchildren on
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september 8. the plan was announced by the education secretary in a letter to principals. the president will challenge students to work hard. in conjunction with the speech, the education department is encouraging teachers to utilize lesson plans that clearly promote the president's agenda. one of them called on students to "write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president." fast forward three days later, september 11. rather than honor the thousands of lives that were lost in the attacks eight years ago, president obama's political organization is organizing a plan to push the health care reform agenda. a website pulled this statement from the site.
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joining me now with more on both of these outrageous stories is the author of the best-selling book "culture of corruption." michelle malkin is back with us. good to see you. thanks for being here. let's start with this probe- obama action group, organizing for america. we set aside 9/11 to call senators to pass the government option and fight back against domestic terrorists. they also say "theyheirs of -- "the heirs of bin laden." >> this is an inspiration news department of homeland security earlier demonized right-wing opponents and tried to smear them with the terrorism label. it is no surprise when we have seen all summer the critics of obamacare and opponents of smearing them as terrorists,
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talibani, every base name you can think of, and this is directly something that obama is responsible for because these are the people who put him in office. it is very telling that the organizers -- organizing for america website tried to pretend as did not happen. that kind of white washing is par for the course for the obama machine." -- obama machine. sean: we will talk about the more controversial appointments barack obama has made and comments he made about america being and imperialists country days after the 9/11 attacks. i think barack obama is used to people fainting and praise from the media and this is the first time that he has had some resistance. it seems that that chicago political instinct to lash out
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has popped up immediately. is that what this is? >> yes. it is classic culture of corruption and chicago hardball tactics, stifle the defense instead of answering it and winning the argument on substance. we have seen it and we talked about it many times, about the way team obama handled their critics during the campaign, including you, for shining light on the radical ties that obama has forged over his lifetime with his cronies in academia and in the political world in chicago. we have seen them try to shut down a radio station that tried to broadcast more information about the ties between obama and bill ayers. we have seen him try to use the power of government ofsiccing -- power of government by siccing the department of justice on
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organizations. it all goes back to bill ayers in chicago. sean: we will talk about an appointment barack obama made of somebody that support compulsory abortion. they called america and imperialists nation after 9/11. i would not normally have a problem with any president that wants to address schoolchildren, wants to encourage them to study hard, to develop -- to learn, to a great education, to inspire them that america is the greatest country and they can be all they can be. when you read the specifics here, what is the president asking them to do? how can i help the president? we are getting into an area where it seems close to indoctrination, or at least has the potential. >> my first thought is people have to understand the context, the timing, and the culture of the speech. a lot of fox bashers will make fun of us for calling attention
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to this event and say, what is the big deal? they will. to some prepared text from obama that looks very innocuous. this is not a morale-boosting speech that he is giving. he is giving it in the context of his obamacare plan completely under siege. we know the left has always used kids in public schools as guinea pigs and as a junior lobbyists for their social liberal agenda. as i said, it goes back to bill ayers. his philosophy was to use the schools as tools for left-wing activists. sean: of course, we know about the model and how he taught a course. we have video of him teaching that. do you think he will not be a little more cautious? >> as i said, it is not about the text. he will actually deliver a very
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innocuous speech. i can guarantee you that. in these classrooms, living laboratories or left-wing activism, you will get over zealous teachers, teachers union brass who are in the pockets of the democrat party, urging kids to write letters, to demonize obamacare opponents, and call them proponents of change. we have seen at the town halls. obama is not above using an 11- year-old girl as his conduit for attacking a town hall protester. he did that in new hampshire and that girl was the daughter of an all four -- of an obamacare acolyte. we know what this is really all about. sean: thanks again. thank you for being with us. we have a report into the extremists barack obama has appointed. we will check in with ann coulter.
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also, what happens when in -- when a conservative goes when a conservative goes undercover
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sean: a brave young conservative named jason recently went undercover at a pro-obama rally in virginia and the encountered some of the finest liberal protesters. here is a small part of his hilarious experience. take a look. >> right-wingers want to keep their money. [chanting]
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sean: he fit right in. that video is available at politicians are known for hypocrisy and double dealing. in this field, charlie rangel takes the cake. the congressman serves as the chairman of the all-powerful house ways and means committee, the committee that writes our tax laws. he slipped a provision into the health-care bill that would bar the irs from waiving certain penalties even in the event of good faith errors, impose double fines on people in certain circumstances, and punish people who do not alert the irs to potentially questionable tax exemptions. you might think he is really a
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dutiful taxpayer. you might be surprised that the house ethics committee is investigating him for tax evasion. this is a case of democratic ' -- democratic a policy at its worst. a deal is under way to send billions of your tax dollars right here to the island of st. croix. the biggest distilled spirits maker in the world is going to build its state of the art distillery. why are we funneling billions of dollars to a foreign company? it produces captain morgan rum, subject to a special tax in the u.s. that brings uncle sam a lot of money. why are we footing the bill for this venture? it is better for you to be forced to line the pockets of the biggest liquor producers in the world than to lose a few cents in tax revenue.
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a disgusting global warming advertisement is circulating on the internet. take a look at this. the ad was created by the ddb brasil advertising agency. the caption says, "the tsunami killed 100 times more people than 9/11. the planet is powerful. respect it." the world wildlife fund says, "wwf condemns this offensive and tasteless and and did not authorize its production or publication." americans prepared to mark the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. we continue in 90 seconds. we continue in 90 seconds. if you think things could not
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you hungry? yeah. me too. (door crashes in) (broadview alarm) (gasp and scream) go! go! go! go! go! go! (phone rings) hello? this is mark with broadview security. is everything okay? no. someone just tried to break in. i'm sending help right now. thank you. (announcer) brink's home security is now broadview security. call now to install the standard system for just $99.
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the proven technology of a broadview security system delivers rapid response from highly trained professionals, 24 hours a day. call now to get the $99 installation, plus a second keypad installed free. and, you could save up to 20% on your homeowner's insurance. call now - and get the system installed for just $99. broadview security for your home or business - the next generation of brink's home security. call now. sean: the president slides in the polls. according to a new poll, a majority of independents are disapproving of how the president is handling his job by a double-digit margin.
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sean: new video of one of president obama's most controversial advisers was recently uncovered on the internet. it shows the former communist- turned green jobs czar in a rant against republicans. he was asked why democrats do not use the overwhelming majority in the senate to push
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for legislation. the questioner claimed the republicans used that strategy. according to van jones, here is why. >> here is why. [bleep] i will say this. i can be [bleep] and some of us who are not barack hussain obama, things will start getting ugly. sean: he said the following.
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sean: there is no question that video is still going to get a lot about rage from a lot of americans. somebody who is seeing a lot about rage lately is griff jenkins. he joins us tonight from texas. [horn honking] >> welcome to help pass so, texas -- to el paso, texas. the folks here are fired up. why are you here? >> my name is diane wagner and i love my country. i want to take it back from obama. >> what about you? >> i am an american first, last time and foremost. i want this to stop. they have done too much too fast in our country.
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if we do not stop it now, it will be worse. >> are you paid to be here? >> absolutely not. >> you are not astroturf. >> i am an astroturf mobster according to nancy pelosi, but i am an american. >> how does that make you feel? >> angry. that fires me up more than anything. >> my name is april and i am here because i love my country. i'm a proud american. i am fed up with the government and their spending. enough is enough. >> what about you? what do you think? >> i am here because i am not a monster. i am a concerned citizen. astroturf does not grow like this. >> i have a young mother here. what is your name? >> my name is sharon and i am here because my husband fights for our freedom abroad and it is our responsibility to fight for freedom right here in the u.s. >> my husband also fights for
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the freedom of this country. i am here to fight for freedom, not socialism. >> there you go. from here we are headed to san antonio. sean: he is having too much fun. hear me now is columnist -- here with me now is a columnist ann coulter. i am going to be speaking labor day in west virginia. the estimated 100,000 people will be there. the september 12 march on washington -- what do you make of all of this public citizen outcry? >> i am proud of the american people. it is much faster than i expected it to happen. i did expect americans to turn against the socialist program.
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as i have mentioned before, this is the ark of history. republicans are in for eight or 12 years and voters forget what a democrat is like. they say, how bad could it be? they elect a democrat, whether it is lyndon johnson or jimmy carter or bill clinton, and suddenly there is a huge blow blacack. i expected that, for example, a socialist health care and apologizing for america abroad would get old. i did not expected to get old this past. what is impressive about americans in the health-care debate is usually when something has been -- the free market has been destroyed by government intervention, or at least partially destroyed, as it has been in the case of health care but state governments putting mandates on what an insurance company is required to offer so there is no free market, most
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people get health insurance only through their employers because of tax code benefits to employers, while there is a tax code punishment in other cases. the government comes in and ruins the system enough that there is a small degree of unhappiness, and they say, we need a total government takeover. it is hard to explain to people what a free market would look like when they have not seen it before. americans clearly understand that they want to get health care the same way they get car insurance. sean: let me go back to van jones for a second. >> my favorite. sean: calling republicans a- holes is not the least of it. there was a vigil held expressing --
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on 9/12, he expressed solidarity with the arab and muslim americans as well as the victims of u.s. imperialism around the world. i am thinking, if you have that view, that is fine, former communist. you do not belong working for u.s. president. it is not just him. we have a state department lawyer who says the u.s. should follow sharia law. >> he also says we should defer to international treaties we have not signed as a sovereign nation just because that is the expectation. you're starting to see why obama loves these czaras so much. they do not require senate confirmation. sean: and there is a call for a
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ban on hunting. we have a science adviser who has spoken out in defense of compulsory abortion. i know we have been very engaged. we have talked about all of these extreme positions. there is one right after another. i do not think the majority of americans have any idea who these people are. what does it say about the president? >> right. what does it say about the mainstream media? can you imagine the equivalen t? except on fox news, the internet, a few other sources out there for actual information -- but if you imagine the equivalent of this -- we are all starting to sound like a broken record -- but it is really striking how the mainstream media has become guard dogs for the sitting administration rather than the guard dogs for the people.
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they're watching the people who show up at town halls and the government. i do think that after hearing the van jones speech that he should be the one to speak to school children on september 8 because kids love it when an adult calls another person an a- hole. sean: u.s. imperialism the day after 9/11. one guy, compulsory abortion. another guy is saying the u.s. should follow sharia law. i spent a lot of time on his radical associations. there is a certain level of arrogance. they think the american people will not pay attention or do not care. i would think the american people would care. who is right? >> yes, well, there has been
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this dichotomy in a way -- in the way americans look at the administration. they want to blame everything on nancy pelosi and steny hoyer, which is not a bad position to take. thus far, obama has held himself apart from anything that is happening. in such an artificial and untrue way, that wall is going to have to fall down. you cannot be promoting national health care and then defending herself from any criticism by saying, i do not have a bill. you're the one pushing it. you cannot nominate all of these czars who do not need to go through senate confirmation and say, i am not responsible for these people. people will start to climb obama. sean: ann coulter, thank you for being with us. when we come back, the great, great, great american panel.
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you were right. these healthy choice fresh mixer thingys, they taste fresh... say it again! they taste fresh. wait. what are you doing? got it. you're secretly taping me? cook it fresh, strain it fresh, mix it fresh, healthy choice fresh mixers, look for it in the soup or pasta aisle.
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sean: tonight on our great american panel, she is a republican congresswoman from tennessee. marsha blackburn is here. he has worked at "the washington post" serving as an op-ed columnist. juan williams is back with us. he is a best-selling author, radio talk-show host, former detective, mark fuhrman. i want to talk about radical associations an appointment by barack obama. we have gone over wright and ayers. then jones. he calls republicans in february a-holes. he says the day after the 9/11
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attacks solidarity with arab and muslim americans. we have this guy working at the state department and he said the u.s. should follow sharia law in some cases. juan, how did they ever get through? i know one man wants a ban on hunting in america. how do such radical people keep showing up in barack obama's live? >> there are people on the left, and it is not the case that they have to go through the senate appointment process, so it is his choice. these are his people. they are different from cabinet people. >sean: they are high-level positions. >> you can judge president obama on the basis of those appointments. those are his people. in some cases, these are statements that might be taken out of context, made a long time ago.
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you did not hold that against the guy that was running for governor -- sean: the day after 9/11, he accused the u.s. of being an imperialists country and victimizing people around the world. >> that is ridiculous. sean: why would the president appoint him? >> he thinks he is good that whatever job he has some doing. green jobs has nothing to do with 9/11. >> when i listen to juan speak about the appointments, that is true. what barack obama is not thinking of is he thinks if he gives them an appointment that they will conduct themselves as if he knows who they are. he will pay the price for everything they say. it comes through the white house. it is barack obama's words and it is his policy because he appointed them and he has the power to get rid of them. the doesn't, that means he
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approves of them. >> he approved of them when he chose them. that guy using that foul language, that is before he went to work for the white house. >> he has pulled them into the administration. there is dissatisfaction and distrust that the american people have with the administration. this is what we're seeing at the town hall meetings. people are showing up at a town hall meetings. they love this country dearly. they have sacrificed for this country. they put their head on the pillow at night and they say, what in the world is happening with our nation? they come to be heard and to speak out. they are very concerned about this. i am working on a bill that will deal with these czars and having transparency and accountability and limit the amount of money that they can spend. we hope we can introduce the next week. >> i think that gives sean hannity more reason to go after
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barack obama. the american people do not trust barack obama less because he appoints somebody with the radical past. >> jimmy carter had his brother billy. there is one person. when you keep stacking the deck with people with problems, people with that background, people who could not pass a background investigation to get into the fbi academy, that is called chaos. when you have the intellectual chaos in the midst of an administration trying to change the nation, you have even more chaos. >> there is no intellectual chaos. barack obama is in charge of policy. >> the intellectual chaos comes when you have people in your administration -- @ barack obama says, we're fighting two wars, we're fighting terrorism, and you of people in your administration that believe terrorists are right, you have the intellectual chaos.
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>> he was criticizing american policy in the past. if you look at republican administrations and say every time a republican took a strong radical position -- sean: congresswoman? >> it goes back to the fact that you do have people that aren't in the white house that are directing policy. look at the health care czar and the pay czar. you have all of them weighing in. they are helping the white house to push their agenda. it is a pattern of conduct, if you will. >> they work for the white house. sean: i am trying to be reasonable. i have 15 seconds. you spoke out against jeremiah wright. with these radical positions, appointed by the president, does it bother you? >> what he just said about 9/11 was offensive.
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you can judge the president on his appointments, but these things were said by these people before. not now. sean: we will come back with prilosec otc. dominates heartburn. 24/7... including the eight hours you spend with your eyes closed. prilosec otc. heartburn gone. power on.
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discover gives you a cash back bonus on every single purchase. what you do with it is up to you. what will you get back with your cash back? it pays to discover.
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shepard: all right -- sean: çl right, we continue now with our great american panel. i think they realize this has been the worst month that they can ever imagine. these town halls have been brutal!vor them. thisn it is not a government option. -- they are going toç0ì(lc@&c+ think they are going to change the name, but it is the same plan. will this effort be successful? >> good question. >> i do not thinkç theç effort will be successful. the american people will know that the public option means government-run health care. they know it means public deceptionç. they are wise to this. they do not want this change in their system. they do not want a government- run.
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they doçç not want government- delivered. sean: whatever they call it, juan, they will still be deciding treatments and procedures, and, you know,çç drugs and everything else people have, so the government involvement is going to be there, regardless of how they try to fix this. >> ok, sean,çç let's stop pla. imagine you are sick, and porsche on -- and piooçoorç sean, you are sick, and your wife has to go to confront the insurance company, and they say that you had a pre-existing condition,çç and your wife gos bananas. i say it is not right, and president obama says it is not right. sean: i want tort reformçç. i want every american to access
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to have their own plan. i do not want americans uninsured, but i do notçç wane same government that bankrupted fannie and freddie and the post office and medicare and social security. i do not want the same medical have people dying. i know people who are very happy with their insurance. >> i believe in free-market capitalism, but i also believe in a socialçç safety net so we have care for our veterans. sean: your live, your choices, the death manual. -- yourçç life, your choices. >> is only right for someone to set us -- it is only right for somenl toç sit with us and help us determine options. sean: i do not want the government, some bureaucrat sitting with me doing that.
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>> howard dean making a comment. already, the v.a. and medicare, total government failures be a if i remember right, you had a show -- ççtotal government failures. if i remember right, you had a show. tell me a d a hospital is better than any private hospital -- tell me of aç v.a. hospital tht is better than any private hospital? of, you cannot. -- oh, you cannot. çç>> if i sat here to tell you that we were putting more money in, you would say, what is going on? this is a government subsidy. >> our veterans deserve it. çç>> and "the washington postd others -- sean: obama wanted veterans with
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war-related injuries to use their own insurance. çç>> a realistic alternative. >> write the bills, ççand da system was not considered a qualified -- and the v.a. system was not considered a qualified one. ççthe bureaucracy and having e federal government on top of that, they want less common oversight. they want to be able to have health care, easier to accessç. sean: juan has had a tough night. >> then why do you not do what sean hannity has laid out? instead ofçeing naysayers and obstructionists? they might have all kinds of -- >> get control of the pharmaceuticom